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The Best Man For Leah Page 3
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Page 3
“Hey, want to put this around you?”
“Where did this sweet, considerate Sebastian come from?” she had to ask as she accepted the jacket and draped it around her shoulders. It smelled like him - expensive cologne, something woodsy and masculine. “I thought you were just the hard-nosed, ruthless businessman.”
He looked at her thoughtfully as he pulled his boxers and pants back on, not bothering to zip the fly. “I guess it’s the price of being in business. It’s a cut-throat world out there - you show people that you’ve got a soft side and they’ll stamp all over you. The people who matter to me know who I really am.”
Leah wasn’t entirely sure what to say to that, but she was saved from having to come up with a response by the speaker on the control panel suddenly crackling back into life.
“Hello, are you there?” the operator’s voice said.
“Yes!” Instinctively, Leah clutched Sebastian’s jacket closer around her, before realizing she was being ridiculous. The operator couldn’t see her. Or could she? Oh god, is there a camera in here? She looked around frantically, peering up into the darkened corners of the roof, and saw a camera mounted there. There was no red light, but that might not mean anything. She caught Sebastian’s eye and nodded toward the camera.
‘Oh, shit,’ he mouthed at her, looking startled.
“I’ve been able to locate a closer repair technician. He should be with you in about five minutes.” The operator sounded bored to tears.
“Thank you,” Sebastian said politely.
The speaker crackled and went silent again; Leah immediately burst out, “Oh my god, Sebastian, do you think that camera was recording?”
He shook his head at her. “I doubt it.” Standing up, he peered up at the camera from as close as he could get to it. “Even if it was, there’s hardly any light in here, and we were down on the floor. It’s angled to pick stuff up at waist level or higher, I think. I’ll get my people to look into it tomorrow and make sure that any footage there might be is destroyed, I promise.”
She didn’t feel reassured as she searched for her panties, finally finding them tossed behind her camera bag. Hastily scrambling back into them, she picked up her bra and put that back on too. Sebastian watched her as she shimmied back into her dress, crooking her hand up behind her to pull up the zipper. Sighing with audible regret, Sebastian zipped up his pants, picked up his shirt and shrugged back into it, fastening a few buttons.
“My zipper is stuck!” Leah shrieked, a note of panic in her voice.
“Okay, calm down,” he said soothingly. “Let me have a look.”
She turned her back to him, sweeping her hair over her shoulder to get it out of the way; it had tumbled free of the chignon during their lovemaking, falling almost halfway down her back in a thick mass of auburn waves Sebastian just wanted to bury his hands in. He reined in the impulse, bending his head to peer at the zip of her dress in the dim light.
“I think a little bit of lace is caught in the teeth of the zipper.” It was a tiny tag, too; he could barely get a hold on it between his large fingers. A couple of sharp yanks failed to get it loose.
“Try pulling it down instead of up,” Leah suggested, trying to look back over her shoulder. Sebastian couldn’t quite resist kissing her when she did that, and they lost another couple of minutes as she responded to him, her mouth opening eagerly under his.
The elevator lurching into motion startled them apart. Leah let out a panicked squeak; Sebastian jerked futilely at the zipper a couple more times before giving up.
“Put this on.” He grabbed his jacket and threw it around her shoulders. Standing behind her as she hastily stuffed her arms through the sleeves, he wrapped his arm around her, holding the jacket closed to hide the fact that her dress was gaping away from her body in the front. Glancing around the elevator, he shrugged mentally over their discarded shoes - removing shoes was a reasonably natural thing to do in the circumstances - and froze in horror at the sight of the knotted condom still lying on the floor beside the empty foil packet. He’d just managed to dive on them, stuff the incriminating evidence into his pocket with a grimace of distaste, and put his arm back around Leah again, when the doors slid open.
“Evening, folks,” the overall-clad repairman holding a large toolbox said with a friendly smile. “Apologies for the inconvenience. We’ll have this old girl fixed in a jiffy and get you on your way to your rooms.”
“I think we might just take one of the other elevators, actually,” Leah said, and then realized she’d have to bend down to pick up her shoes and camera bag. She cast Sebastian a desperate look back over her shoulder.
“Good idea, darling.” His free hand pushed at her elbow and she realized he was guiding her to fold her arms over her chest, to keep the jacket closed in front of her. “I’ll get your things.” He deftly scooped up the champagne bottle, her camera bag, and both pairs of their shoes before they left the elevator in all haste and turned to wait for another one.
Unfortunately, to complete Leah’s humiliation, there were quite a few guests leaving the party now and heading upstairs.
“Are you wearing his jacket?” her friend Emma hissed, glancing incredulously from Leah to Sebastian and back again before grinning broadly. “You go, girl!” She delivered a sharp nudge to Leah’s ribs.
There wasn’t a lot Leah could say. She certainly couldn’t get out when Emma and her husband did on the sixth floor, because she would have had to hand Sebastian’s jacket back and that was completely out of the question. She just smiled tightly, let Sebastian put his arm around her again, and bore the surreptitious looks and whispers until at last the elevator reached the top floor.
“Good night,” Sebastian said to one of the senior executives from his firm, and got a knowing wink before the man took himself off. “This way.” He guided Leah toward his suite, letting them in and closing the door firmly behind them.
“Okay, that may have been the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me,” Leah groaned as the door clicked shut. “The way everyone was looking at us! Like they knew exactly what we’d been up to!”
“I’m pretty sure they didn’t think we’d been banging in the elevator,” Sebastian said. Tactfully he didn’t mention Leah’s messed-up hair and kiss-swollen lips. It was pretty obvious that they’d been up to something.
“No, they just think we’re going to bang now!”
“Aren’t we?”
The quiet question cut through her panic, froze the words on her lips. Staring at him, Leah licked her lips uncertainly.
“I mean, we don’t have to. You can leave any time you like. But I was hoping I’d be able to take my time with you the second time around. And not kill my knees on a hard marble floor while I’m doing so.” Sebastian shrugged, trying to look casual and suspecting he was failing badly. The truth was that the hasty coupling in the elevator had only whetted his appetite.
Chapter Five
Leah turned away from the intense gaze Sebastian was leveling at her and looked around, trying to buy some time to think. The suite was just as glamorous as she’d expected, all ornate antique furniture which actually looked as though it might be comfortable to use. The bed was an actual four-poster, made up with white sheets she was pretty sure weren’t the same grade as the ones in her standard-issue room.
“Nice place,” she said, trying to keep her tone light.
“Leah.” His voice was soft, but she could tell from the tone that he wasn’t going to let her deflect. “Do you want to go? It’s okay if you do.” His hand touched her elbow lightly, and she could swear she felt the heat of it even through his jacket, which she was still wearing. “This is… the elevator… I feel like I rushed things.”
She grinned, seeing the funny side. “It was certainly what you’d call a quickie, huh?” Turning to look up at him, she saw desire that matched her own in his eyes, and she threw caution to the wind. “No, Sebastian. I don’t want to go.” Deliberately, she shrugged h
er shoulders, letting his jacket slide down until it slipped off her arms, and then tossed it negligently at a nearby chair. “But you’re going to have to have another go at this zipper, or I’m gonna be stuck in this dress.”
Sebastian let out a gasp of relief. “Sure! Yes, of course.” He grasped the zipper tag in his fingers and gave it a determined yank. The tiny piece of metal popped right off.
“Oh, shit.” Giving up, he just grasped the dress and wrenched. The recalcitrant zipper tore right open.
“My dress!” Leah squawked with horror at the sound of ripping fabric.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” He was already easing it down over her hips, catching her panties to pull them down too.
She shook her head with a grin, looking back over her shoulder at him. “It was a designer knockoff anyway, Sebastian. I just hoped to get more than one use out of it.”
He unhooked her bra as she stepped out of the dress, placing slow sensual kisses on her shoulders as he drew the straps down her arms. “Then I’ll buy you the real deal. You deserve designer.”
Leah laughed. “Oh, Sebastian. I doubt that designer even makes dresses in my size. I’m pretty sure they top out at size six.”
His brow furrowed, and she shook her head, realizing he genuinely had no idea what she was talking about. “Never mind.” She really didn’t give a damn about the dress, not when Sebastian was looking at her like that and there was a bed only a few steps away. Catching his hand in hers, she pulled, leading him towards that decadent-looking bed. “I’ve never had sex on a four-poster bed before.”
“No?” Sebastian allowed her to change the subject, though he mentally filed it for later. “The posts can be very useful.”
She looked up at him with a bemused expression. “Useful for what?”
“Oh, I can think of lots of things.” His grin was wicked. “Tying you up while I spank that beautiful bottom, for example?” His pat on her ass wasn’t firm enough to be called a smack, but Leah still squeaked, her cheeks blushing scarlet. “Or keeping you restrained while I make you come over and over again with my tongue until you’re screaming for mercy?”
“You are outrageous.” Leah was sure she was fire red all over.
Sebastian chuckled, his gaze never leaving hers as he stripped his shirt off and shucked his pants and boxers. He was erect again, cock standing out proudly toward her as he stalked forward. “I think you like outrageous,” he taunted lightly, stopping just before their bodies met. She swayed towards him unconsciously, breasts almost brushing his chest, his cock nudging against the softness of her belly. “I just asked you up here for a drink. You’re the one who jumped me in the elevator.”
“You!” Leah’s mouth opened wide with shock, until she saw the teasing glint in his eye. Laughing, she let herself topple backward onto the bed, pulling Sebastian with her. He came more than willingly, catching himself from landing heavily on her with his arms braced on either side of her body. He still landed on her, though, his muscled chest against her plump breasts, and suddenly their mouths were crashing together again, Leah’s arms winding around Sebastian’s neck, her fingers sinking into his thick hair, nails scratching at his scalp.
In the back of her mind, Leah had wondered if the intense chemistry she’d felt in the elevator with Sebastian had been real, or if it had just been some sort of fluke, a reaction caused by the circumstances of being trapped together.
Now, she knew it was something more. Heat raced through her body again as Sebastian’s hand came up to cup her breast, thumb flicking over her nipple, his tongue playing a teasing game with hers. Deliberately, she bent her knees and rocked her hips against him, making a hungry sound in her throat as his hard cock slid along the slick channel between her thighs.
“Jesus, woman, are you trying to kill me?” Sebastian threw his head back and groaned, the cords standing out in his neck as he fought for control. He wanted nothing more at that moment than to plunge deep inside Leah’s warm, willing body and just take his pleasure. “I promised myself I was gonna take my time with you this time around…”
“Shut up and fuck me,” she demanded, delirious with lust.
He almost did, until he caught himself and remembered. “Condom.” He pulled back, away from her grasping hands, and dove for the bathroom and his shaving kit. He fumbled it open, grabbing for the strip of foil packets he knew he’d put in there.
Hurrying back to the bedroom, he stopped short at the end of the bed, taking in the spectacular sight of Leah taking matters into her own hands, quite literally. One hand was cupped over her breast, plucking at a swollen nipple, the other between her parted thighs, forefinger tracing a lazy circle around her glistening clit.
“You really are trying to kill me,” Sebastian said, his mouth dry, his fingers shaking as he ripped open a packet and rolled the latex sheath onto his straining erection. “But damn, I’ll die a happy man.”
Leah laughed, soft and husky, watching him from under lowered eyelids. “You gonna just stand there or are you gonna come and help me out?”
“Oh, I can help you out all right.” The bed dipped as he climbed on, but instead of kneeling between her thighs as she’d hoped, he moved to one side, patting her hip lightly. “Turn over.”
She licked her lips at the thought of him taking her from behind, rolled eagerly to her stomach, and pushed herself up on hands and knees, presenting her ass in the air.
“Oh, angel,” Sebastian’s already deep voice lowered further as he smoothed his hands reverently over her rounded bottom. “Oh, that is absolutely magnificent. You’re magnificent.”
Leah smiled into the pillow and deliberately wiggled her ass. “Can you handle this booty?”
“I know exactly what to do with all this spectacular booty.” His hands settled on her hips, grasping firmly as he moved closer. His cock pushed up against her ass for a moment, making her suck in a shocked breath, before he leaned forward and it slid down between her thighs, rubbing along her crotch. Instinctively she rocked her hips, rubbing against him, enjoying the slide and rub over her already-slick folds.
Sebastian’s hands tightened on her hips in a silent instruction to be still. She had to clench her fists in the sheets and focus in order to obey, but was quickly rewarded as she felt the thick head of his cock nudging into her soaked passage.
“Yes,” she said throatily into the pillow as he pressed in a little deeper, strong hands pulling her back into the thrust. “Oh my god, yes!”
“I didn’t even ask you yet,” he said, amused, leaning down to press a kiss against her spine. “Is this okay?”
“It’s a lot better than okay.” He was pressing deeper still, stretching delicate tissues. He must be all the way inside her now. Surely. Leah yelped in protest as he pulled back a little.
“Easy.” His voice sounded strained, his breath warm against her back. “Damn, Leah, you’re so tight…”
She didn’t want to admit that it had been a while. The way he felt inside her was so good, anyway, she just pressed her forehead against the pillow and pushed back against him in a silent demand that he continue. That he give her more, give her all he had, fill her up completely.
Sebastian obeyed Leah’s silent plea. He took it slow, not wanting to hurt her; she really was tight and at this angle his penetration was even more intimate than the first time, pressing on some very sensitive spots deep inside her. Finally he was fully seated, right to the hilt, the very end of his cock just brushing her cervix.
Leah was moaning continuously, her hips rotating in tight little circles, fingers grasping at the sheets. Sebastian felt a bit like clawing at the bed himself and had to make himself relax his tight grip on her hips before he left bruises.
She made protesting noises, trying to shove back against him, wanting, needing him to be rougher with her.
“Please!” burst from her, a frantic cry.
“I got you, I got you,” Sebastian promised. One hand settled on her shoulder, bracing her. His other han
d curved around in front of her, fingers seeking and finding her clit. “I got you, angel. You gonna let me feel you come again?” His fingertips began to scissor rapidly as he set up a steady, driving rhythm with his hips. “This what you need?”
It was exactly what she needed; it was perfect. Leah sobbed with ecstasy, bracing herself against Sebastian’s pounding thrusts. He was slamming into her with all his strength even as his fingers worked over her clit, and it was absolutely the best thing that had ever happened to her in her whole entire life. He was grunting and gasping, pounding hard against her, and it was so sexy and dirty and wonderful that she just let herself go, screaming at the top of her lungs as the most intense climax she’d ever experienced crashed through her.
Sebastian didn’t let up. He fucked her right through it and kept on going, letting go of her clit when she shoved at his hand because she was getting too sensitive… only to grab onto her breast, tugging and squeezing almost cruelly at her nipple. Both nipples, when he let go of her shoulder and dropped that hand around in front of her too.
To Leah, it seemed to go on for a blissful eternity, her pleasure cresting in waves and crashing through her. She was barely aware of Sebastian finally stiffening behind her with a low, harsh groan, his eyes closing as he surged inside her for one final time.
Leah collapsed to the mattress in a boneless heap when Sebastian finally pulled out of her. He winced and dropped to lie beside her, reaching out to drape his arm over her.
“You okay?” he checked, kissing her shoulder gently.
“Unf.” She opened one green eye and peered at him. “No. I’m dead. You have killed me with sex.”
Smiling with relief that she was still teasing him, he mustered the energy to get off the bed to go and clean up in the bathroom. Leah had rearranged her limbs into a slightly more comfortable-looking position when he returned, though she was still lying on her front; he gazed admiringly at the round fullness of her ass for a few moments before reaching for the folded coverlet at the foot of the bed and pulling it up over her.